Cododo: they slept happily and dreamed sweet dreams together

To sleep or not to sleep with your baby, that is the question. We answer this big question by listing the advantages of co-sleeping. Benefits, WHO recommendations, safety rules…
You’ll have all the arguments in hand to decide whether this co-sleeping method is right for you!
What is co-sleeping?
Cododo comes from the English term “co-sleeping”. In contemporary European civilization, babies are often given their own room from birth, where they are supposed to sleep alone. In co-sleeping, the infant sleeps at night in its parents’ room during the first weeks and even months of life.
In fact, there are two types of co-sleeping:
- Parents and baby share the same space, each in his or her own bed. The baby is in his crib or bassinet, on his mattress, close to his parents’ bed.
- Parents and baby sleep side by side, in a special co-sleeping cot, next to mom and dad’s bed. In this case, it’s advisable to follow certain rules, which we’ll share with you below.
Cododo around the world
So, is co-sleeping a common practice or just the opposite? Well, that depends on the region! In Asia, Africa and northern countries (Sweden and Norway, for example), co-sleeping is widespread. Most families sleep together.
In Europe, sleeping with your baby is a little less normalized. Many people fear that this form of proximal mothering will lead to a child’s long-term dependence on its parents. So, myth or reality? In fact, studies tend to prove the opposite! By responding to a child’s physiological needs, parents send a clear message: “You can count on us”. This bond of attachment reinforces the toddler’s sense of security and confidence. As a result, little ones develop their autonomy more easily. Yet even among professionals and specialists, opinions continue to differ. So what should we do? Let’s listen to the WHO and list the benefits of co-sleeping.
WHO recommendations
What does WHO, the World Health Organization, have to say? The WHO recommends keeping your child in the parent’s room for the first six months of life, to reduce the risk of cot death. A close baby means a more alert mother and father. Of course, we shouldn’t blame parents who prefer to sleep without their baby. It’s a personal choice, just like breastfeeding. Our article is here to help you make an informed choice, according to your needs and desires.
The benefits of co-sleeping
In concrete terms, what are the benefits of sharing the parental bedroom?
- Soothing sleep
Some parents find it reassuring to be so close to their baby. They can hear him, keep an eye on him… and are alerted to the slightest suspicious noise. This is also the main reason. - Easier breast-feeding and bottle-feeding
Having your baby close at hand also means fewer trips back and forth to feed the baby, who wakes up several times a night. As a result, waking up is easier for everyone. No need to go to the other end of the house to pick up your baby, feed him and put him back to bed. Breastfeeding moms sleep better… and lactate better. Bottle-fed children and their parents also benefit from this proximity. - A secure baby
Finally, in cododo, the baby feels secure. Often, his breathing is evenly matched to that of his parents. Of course, some parents see these advantages as disadvantages… Sharing a room can feel like sacrificing parental intimacy. But let’s face it, between the post-partum period and the nights of a newborn baby, which are often synonymous with a cruel lack of sleep, we vote for anything that makes life easier. Co-sleeping can be one of them!
The WHO recommends keeping babies in their parents’ bedroom for the first six months of life, to reduce the risk of cot death.
Cododo safety rules
But be careful! In order to “co-sleep” properly, it is nevertheless important to follow a few safety rules:
- Baby must have his own bed
You can’t sleep with baby directly in his bed, as this could crush or suffocate him. That’s why we recommend co-sleeping.
- Bye bye alcohol
Cododo, alcohol and medication don’t mix! If you’re taking sleeping pills or have been partying (too much), don’t sleep with your baby. - Bye bye pillow
Prevent the risk of suffocation by banning cushions, blankets, stuffed toys and other textiles that could suffocate your baby in his crib and in yours. - At the right temperature
Finally, cover baby lightly and don’t overheat the room. The ideal room temperature is 18°.
Our co-sleeping cradle, the KODO
If you’re tempted by this co-sleeping experience, check out our new KODO co-sleeping system! We’ve designed it to make sleeping with a newborn easier, while preserving the aesthetic appeal of your bedroom. Because a cododo doesn’t have to be made of plastic to be practical! And a beautiful piece of furniture will leave a lasting impression on your family photos… This beechwood cradle, with its rounded shape, is attached to the parents’ bed. It is height-adjustable to fit adult beds perfectly (up to 200cm). The icing on the cake: like all Charlie Crane furniture, the KODO cradle has been designed to last over time. It’s evolutionary and will transform into a pretty little bench once baby’s grown up.
So go ahead, opt for #kodopourtous!